
Getting Started

Some days getting started is the hardest part.  Facing the usual Saturday morning internal debate over whether I’d get it together to make it to the aqua class – which was the very last thing I actually felt like – I finally bit the bullet and just did it.  I may have been half asleep, but it did feel good to get that under my belt first thing and then of course the day unfolded delightfully.  Why do we resist the things we know will make us feel better?   Perhaps because inertia is comfortable and an engaged life is anything but.

Flat Battery

It’s amazing how my car always mimics how I feel.  When I had chronic fatigue, it was constantly developing a flat battery.  Even now, I’m quite cautious to make sure I don’t run the battery now, having had to replace it so many times.  And still I managed to do it again.  I must have knocked the parking light when getting out of the car, but luckily a neighbour noticed it tonight – after a whole day – and I managed to catch it and give it a run to recharge it just before it gave its last gasp.  Am I feeling shattered?  Of course.  The car always knows – and reflects that back to me.  Symbolism runs rampant in my life yet again.

Don’t Make Use Of It

The book ‘Be An Island’ by Ayya Khema has a story about Achaan Cha, a famous Thai meditation master.  When accused of having a lot of hatred within him, he replied, “That may be so, but I don’t make any use of it.”

That’s a genius response.  We’ll never be rid of fleeting irritations or other negative emotions, but that doesn’t mean we have to give them air time.  We just don’t have to make any use of them.

500 Days Of Summer

I so have to post this because it’s the most uplifting film scene that I’ve seen in ages.  It comes in the middle of an Indie romcom – played straight, not musical – and is just such a delightful surprise.  The guy has just got it together with the girl of his dreams and this is the morning after the night before.  It’s enchanting and totally uplifting.  I defy you not to smile.

Sunshine Came Softly

Wow.  A whole day of summer crept up on us and wrapped us in its sunny glow.  These are my favourite pleasures – sunny days, good friends, great cappuccino and a crispy, almost burnt pastel de nata.  Heaven.

According to Don Miguel Ruiz, “When we see ourselves as artists, we no longer feel the need to impose our story on others or to defend what we believe. We know that every artist has the right to create his own art”.  What a beautiful concept – and the end of judgement and comparison, leaving nothing but individuality and originality.  Genius.

Direct Messages

I love it that messages and inspirations can come in so many ways.  I had some very clear guidance in a dream recently that couldn’t have spelled it out more expressly.  For someone who can be rather a slow learner on some subjects, I’m glad that my intuition has decided to give up the concept of subtlety.


Here I am again, drawing boundaries.  I’d like the luxury of not having to do that so much, but I seem to be a magnet for energy vampires.  I’ve had to learn to withdraw to maintain and rebuild my energy.  Sadly, the people who are the most draining don’t always recognise that aspect of themselves, so it takes some pretty tough boundaries to draw the line.  Luckily my border patrol proficiency is greatly improved …

The architect Frank Lloyd Wright – designer of Falling Water, possibly the most beautiful house in the world – has his own unique interpretation: “I believe in God, only I spell it Nature.”

Asleep At The Wheel

Some days just don’t start off well and go downhill rather rapidly.  Today was one of them.  When you wake up 5 mins before you’re due at work, you know it’s not going to be good.  Facing the day in a frantic rush does not bode well and the rest of the day seems to disappear into the same black hole.  You get through it, but not with a great deal of consciousness.

As Debbie Ford says,  “When you are making unconscious choices, you can be certain that you are not present in the here and now. Are you going through the day asleep at the wheel?”  Totally.  But then, Scarlett O’Hara comes to mind.  Tomorrow is another day, after all.